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There are exclusive clubs and then there is the Tall Persons Club.

Money and film star looks will not help you join us and fakes are easy to spot :)


You can join the Club no matter where you live. Membership is FREE!

But if you find it in your heart to make a small donation to keep this NOT for Profit organisation that works on behalf of all tall people since 1991going,

Then that would be very much appreciated indeed, thank you!


How tall do you have to be to join?


Well we don`t like to put a height limit on joining the club as feeling tall is very subjective.

As our late founder once said "I met a man of 6ft 5in who wasn’t unusually tall; I met a man of 5ft 11in who was" but to give you an idea the average height of a female member is 6`1" and the average height of a male who is a member of the club  is 6`7".


What does membership get you?


Well apart from a great conversation piece the club does lots of good work as a lobbyist for tall persons issues and your membership fee enables us to keep campaigning on behalf of very tall people. We are a non profit organisation and none of us who help run the club take a wage. So all your membership fees goes towards the club and it`s work.



Access to the members only Facebook page.



Also discounted tickets to the annual 3 day weekend in August where no one will call you tall Sally or tall John. As with us you are just Sally and John and can dance without standing out (my personal favourite).


Also you get to meet many tallistas (made up word for the friends we have all have met in the club). 










Membership is available to join directly below at:



Although it says UK/Ireland we have members from 

Denmark, USA, Germany, Malta etc so all are welcome.


Tall Persons  Club uses for online membership.

Donations are made using PayPal or credit card.

Changes to address, contact, or family details

are made through our online membership system.

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